Horror - Development 2024

Obsessed with becoming an influencer, Carla (21) pretends to live in a haunted apartment with the goal of obtaining followers in social media. However, Carla accidentally invokes a real malevolent entity, which quickly takes possession of her life right in front of her viewers.

& Awards

Ventana Sur 2023
Blood Window
    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Horror
    • Countries
    • MEXICO
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.6 - 1 M$
    • Duration
    • 95 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Ximena GARCIA LECUONA, Eduardo LECUONA
    • Writer(s)
    • Producer(s)
    • Francisco SANCHEZ SOLIS (MALIGNO GORE S.A. DE C.V.), Javier SEPULVEDA (Maligno Gore S.A. de C.V.), Jonathan DAVIS (Edge Films), Eduardo LECUONA (Maligno Gore S.A. de C.V.)
    • Synopsis
    • CARLA is a young woman who dreams of becoming an influencer on social media. We see her life through her social media: she uploads videos of her exercise routine, healthy meals, and her life with her idyllic boyfriend ANDRÉS. However, she’s stuck at just 3000 followers. When Andrés’s mother LUCIANA passes away, Carla attends the funeral and films a video of her corpse for her stories, which angers Andrés, who ends the relationship
      Carla enters a deep depression. One sleepless night, she hears strange sounds in her apartment and upon walking around, discovers a shadowy figure in a corner of her room, which upon turning the lights on is revealed to be just a bundle of clothes. Instagram reacts positively to this spooky footage, and Carla’s follower count rises. Carla and her best friend SAM decide to make more horror content to boost Carla’s followers. They fake a séance, in which they summon a supposed ghost.
      More people follow Carla. However, actual supernatural activity begins to occur. During a Live Feed, one of Carla’s fans notes a shadowy figure standing behind her. Carla reviews the footage, screenshots that exact moment, and turns the brightness up to confirm that there is some sort of entity behind her. Carla tells Sam, who still believes that Carla’s faking it and is lying to her. The two friends fight.
      The paranormal activity continues increasing in intensity. Carla discovers a series of sigils painted around her apartment. She does a reverse Google image search to discover that the sigils are tied to an ancient cult called LOS MIRONES, who seek immortality by taking part in transference rituals where they transfer their souls into younger bodies. Sam publishes a Youtube video calling Carla out for faking her haunting. This takes Carla to her darkest moment— she says goodbye to her fans and deletes Instagram.
      Carla discovers that all the other apartments in her building are empty. All of them, that is, with the exception of the apartment directly above hers. Carla enters to find it’s set up for some sort of ritual, with occult sigils on the walls, candles, and a mattress with the rotting corpse of a woman.
      Just then, Andrés knocks on her door, with the pretext of being worried for her mental health. Carla distracts him and goes through his phone. She discovers that Andrés’s family belongs to the Mirones cult, and are in the process of doing a transference ritual to transfer Luciana’s soul into Carla’s body so she can live again. Luciana is the corpse in the apartment upstairs, and it is her soul that has been roaming Carla’s apartment and haunting her.
      Andrés’s family breaks into Carla’s apartment to complete the ritual. Carla tries to escape, but the cult overpowers her. They tie her to her bed, and allow Luciana’s soul to take over her body. Luciana wakes up the next morning and continues to live Carla’s life as a now famous influencer.
    • Partners & financing
    • Maligno Gorehouse, Edge Films
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Jun 03, 2024
    • End of shooting
    • Jun 29, 2024