REEL SUSPECTS - as SALES All rights, World

Comedy - Completed 2023

Two cult missionaries go door to door, and in one house accidentally kill a person. They hide the body and end up in the middle of a night of live role-playing gamers. They try to survive the night by blending in and trying not to get caught.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Comedy
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.6 - 1 M$
    • Duration
    • 92 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Miro LAIHO, Niko KELKKA
    • Producer(s)
    • Miro LAIHO (Time Films Oy), Pekka OLLULA (Time Films Oy)
    • Synopsis
    • "The Redeemers" combines intense thriller elements with pitch-black comedy in a way that bravely breaks genre boundaries with a twinkle in the eye. Roope Salminen makes his first-ever leading role on the silver screen alongside Eino Heiskanen as a member of a mysterious doomsday cult, who due to a fateful coincidence finds himself in a spine-chilling trial by fire and soon also in immediate mortal danger.

      The story wraps around the novice cult members, the Redeemers, who go door to door trying to convert people. The determined and temperamental Kristoffer (Eino Heiskanen) has been paired with his childhood friend, the sensitive Joakim (Roope Salminen).

      On one conversion gig, the young men's self-control fails with messy consequences. As the duo starts to clean up the aftermath of their mistake, the doorbell rings. The Redeemers are unwillingly drawn into a role-playing game that has been arranged to take place in the doomed house. As the game progresses, surprising twists pull the rug out from under the audience over and over again, as horrifying details start to emerge from unexpected places.