By David Scott KESSLER

INDIE RIGHTS - as SALES All rights, World / DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World

Documentary - Completed 2022

Stories from a million-acre remote wilderness, where a culture grew out of a need for isolation and a devil haunts the charred landscape, all within the most crowded state in the most crowded region in America - New Jersey.

    • Year of production
    • 2022
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 103 mn
    • Director(s)
    • David Scott KESSLER
    • Synopsis
    • A wilderness sculpted by fire stands defiant of the encroaching megalopolis surrounding it. Once deemed inhospitable, the Pine Barrens became home to folks who today call themselves Pineys. Through a veil of folklore and myth, their sense of identity is inexorably linked to the diminishing island of darkness in a sea of traffic and lights within the most densely populated state in the nation - New Jersey.

      The Pine Barrens film is an epic tone-poem, where raging forest fires and crackling campfires generate rebirth of the ecology and identity of the land and its inhabitants and give a home to a dark creature that lurks in the forest. It is a celebration of a particular place, but one that casts doubt on its know-ability and our ability to discern reality from superstition. Through moments with individuals spanning several years, The Pine Barrens explores the symbiotic yet sometimes destructive relationship between man and nature.