Documentary - Post-Production 2023

The story of a man and his son than search for gold in Tierra del Fuego.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 70 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Alfredo POURAILLY
    • Producer(s)
    • Francisco HERVÉ (JUNTOS FILMS)
    • Synopsis
    • Tierra del Fuego is a southern Patagonian island located on the edge of the extreme corners of the world. This land is almost uninhabited, with only 0.2 inhabitants per square kilometer. The few Constructions in the immensity seem to exist outside of time, just like the people around them around. Everything here seems "prehistoric" as Toto Gesell, an artisanal miner who has searched for gold in the mountains of the island for the last 30 years. Alone, he has been searching for an elusive fortune. Now time has passed and his body is no longer the same. After having a stroke, Toto feels that his death is closer, but he does not give up his hard work and mocks ironically of death. This could be his last season in the mountains. Her son Jorge, a young man of 20, is becoming a man. work driving a machine, building paths through this disconnected island. In his free time he likes ride wild horses, and is one of the best horsemen on the island. Risk your life in competitions traditional extremes. He is aware that Toto is getting older and, after his accident stroke, Jorge decides to do something about his father's future. His new project consists in designing and building a machine that will help Toto get the gold from the earth in a way more productive and easier. The film aims to be a cinematic journey to open the doors of this intimate and fragile world. It is a family love story that seeks to shed light on how the personal search for a life best resembles humanity's struggle to conquer nature.