Thriller - Pre-Production 2023

Armed with a necklace that bridges the living and the dead, Eva must unravel a chilling mystery from the past to save her crew from a relentless demonic force who wants to play a deadly game of hide-and-seek.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Thriller, Horror
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 95 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Nathan CROOKER
    • Writer(s)
    • Nathan CROOKER
    • Producer(s)
    • Marisa POLVINO (Straight Up Films), Rebecca MAAR (Good Creature), Nathan CROOKER (Ghost Gand Productions)
    • Synopsis
    • Eva, haunted by a mysterious ability to communicate with the dead, uses it to offer solace to grieving individuals. Around her neck, a cherished whistle, a gift from her late mother while also embodying her hopes of someday finding a way to use it to connect with her mother's spirit.

      Eva's best friend, Ryan the director of a ghost hunter show, exploits her gift. Wanting higher viewership, he lures Eva into a seance in a secluded forest under a peculiar bell to connect Rebecca with her late sister, Sarah. Eva is agains it, but an ethereal voice urges her to help.

      Disturbingly, the seance suggests Rebecca might have been involved in Sarah's death. The ethereal voice later guides Eva alone, back to the forest beneath the bell. In the spirit realm, Eva confronts a menacing figure in a wolf mask - Sarah's killer. Eva narrowly avoids death by realizing she has telekinetic powers and stops a deadly arrow inches from her face.

      Out of the ghost world, Eva hurries back to the cabin to find masked attackers have descended up on the crew and the leader is wearing the same exact wolf mask she just saw.
      During the home invasion chaos, Ryan is seemingly captured and killed on video. Eddie, a crew member, is horrifyingly killed by a flare gun.

      Miraculously, Ryan reappears, and is forced to confess that he staged the invasion for views using his old friends. The horror escalates when his old friend Drew, under some demonic influence, kills Amber, Ryan's girlfriend and intern attacks Ryan. Soon after, the leader of the home invaders arrives at the cabin and unmasks, it is Rebecca from the seance. Her real name is Sam and she has video proof that reveals a sinister entity has been possessing them.

      Eva realizes the seance opened a portal, enabling Sarah's killer into their world. Realizing the wolf mask is her connection to the killer, she uses it to re-enter the spirit world and learns that her brother, Alex, was her murderer, and is now playing with them. Eva believes that ringing the forest bell will put and end to Alex’s game. But as Jax, the shows cameraman, tries to take on Alex and ring the bell he is killed violently, leaving it up to Eva, Ryan and Sam to end the game.

      Alex possess Sam’s body, and Ryan, in a desperate act, kills the body Alex occupies, while Eva rings the bell successfully— but nothing changes. Suddenly, Alex possesses Ryan’s body, continuing the twisted game. Guided by the ethereal voice, Eva learns that it has to be Sarah to beat Alex in their deadly game. Venturing back into the spirit world, Eva defends Sarah against Alex. Concurrently, Ryan’ body is freed of Alex’s possession and Ryan, tries taking Eva’s whistle of her unconscious body but tragically dies in a bear trap. A victim of his very game.

      Back in the spirit realm, Alex has impaled Eva with an arrow in Eva’s side, and takes her whistle, thus sealing her fate. However, Eva's interference allows Sarah to get to the bell, but it has been re-strung, out of reach. Now Al