Drama - Completed 2022

When a young mom finds herself broke and alone and raising her 5-year-old daughter, she creates a world of make-believe in order to shield her from the pain of poverty.

& Awards

Amsterdam Short Film Festival 2022
Best Director
Venice Shorts 2022
Best Short Film Script
Benelux International Film Festival 2023
Best Short Film
Lady Filmmaker's Festival 2023
Best Short Film
    • Year of production
    • 2022
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • CANADA
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0 - 0.3 M$
    • Duration
    • 18 mn
    • Synopsis
    • It’s 1977. Broke and alone, young mom Sheila can spin a tough time into a joyful one like nobody’s business. And she does this for two reasons: One, so she can shield her 5-year-old daughter, Grace, from the realities of the hardships they face. And two, because, Sheila legitimately believes that how we shape our perspective is how we shape our lives.

      When the power goes out due to an unpaid electric bill, Sheila throws on a cheap carnival sombrero, spreads a blanket on the floor of their sparsely furnished apartment, and tells Grace that they are having “a moonlit beachside picnic in Mexico” for dinner, going so far as to convince Grace the flashlight hanging above them is the full moon. When they eat cold beans from the can, she tells Grace that – little known fact – to be served cold beans is the highest honour bestowed upon global dignitaries. Grace buys into it. Every time.

      Sheila ultimately meets Terry, an unintended mentor and wealthy patron at the diner where she’s a waitress. Terry sees the smiley faces Sheila creates with condiments on the open-faced hamburger patties she serves as being evidence of a deeply ingrained and unshakeable optimism, and gives Sheila the push she needs toward a better life.

      After years of living in the metaphoric rain, through relentless effort, a lot of love, and an awe-inspiring attitude, Sheila and Grace eventually find their rainbow – proving that their home life was never broken after all.