Thriller - Development 2024

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Thriller, Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Synopsis

    • JESSI, 35, is a waitress in a small town in Texas, who lives the kind of life she would never wish anybody to have. No family, no past, no future. Until the day she meets with CHLOE, 15, a runaway girl with attitude who is convinced to know the hidden truth about Jessi’s past.

      One night, the diner where Jessi works is the scene of an attempted robbery. While trying to defend herself against the robbers, Jessi discovers that she possesses unsuspected fighting skills, and she ends up killing both of her assailants.

      With the help of Chloe, Jessi finds out that she is in fact a sleeping agent for a secret organization, which is training lethal assassins, and that she has a double-sided personality that can be triggered when she hears a certain sequence of words. As the news of the failed robbery spreads out, Jessi starts to attract the local force’s attention, led by SIMON, a young inspector. Simon investigates the case and soon has reasons to think that Jessi is hiding something.

      Jessi’s ex-boss, MCGREGOR, gets wind of Jessi’s exploits and decides to intervene in order to protect the secret of the organization. And as her mysterious past comes back to haunt her, Jessi becomes a threat for McGregor who send his henchman on a mission to terminate Jessi.

      Chloe, persuaded that Jessi could be her long estranger mother, tries to bring back forgotten memories into Jessi’s brain. Along the way, Chloe gets to understand better the psychological mechanism that transforms Jessi into a killing machine, just with the use of a few words.

      As McGregor’s henchman is closing in, Jessi escapes the first attempt from the henchman to terminate her and she goes on the road trip with Chloe, on a desperate mission to unveil the truth about her past.

      Jessi soon discovers that she was infiltrated into this small town in Texas in order to kill the mayor of the city, who is advocating for a softer law about immigration in the state. The organization for which she works wants to get rid of the mayor, thinking that it will help to solve all problems and bring back some tougher measures regarding the politics about immigration in Texas.

      After a few failed attempts, McGregor’s henchman manages to “trigger” Jessi in order for her to adopt her killer’s personality. And remembering her initial mission, Jessi prepares herself to assassinate the mayor during the 4th of July celebrations.
      Chloe tries in vain to stop her but finally manages to contact the police force and Simon so that they can help her stopping Jessi from shooting the mayor.

      But no one seems able to stop Jessi. The mayor is about to give his speech and Jessi positions herself in the best position in order to get a clean shot at him. Simon and its police squad, with a little help from Chloe, arrive on time to stop Jessi from shooting the mayor, and Jessi switch back into her waitress personality. Confused and disorientated, and not understanding what she was doing with a long-range riffle by her feet, Jessi has a last hint of memories of her killer’s past and shots the henchman who was trying a desperate attempt at Chloe’s life.

      Recovering from her psychological influence, Jessi is finally ready to hear the truth about her connection with Chloe. She can be rude, she can be tough, but she will learn to be the mother she was always destinated to become.