By Ngoc Dang VU

VIETNAM MEDIA CORP. / BHD CO, LTD - as SALES All rights, World

Romance - Completed 2008

Dream is beautiful but hard to become true

    • Year of production
    • 2008
    • Genres
    • Romance, Comedy
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 100 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Ngoc Dang VU
    • Writer(s)
    • Ngoc Dang VU
    • Producer(s)
    • Bich Hien NGO (Vietnam Media Corp), Chi Hung NGUYEN
    • Synopsis
    • Ngo Dong, a pretty girl working in a restaurant never believes that she wasn’t born to become an actress upon various casting failures. She decides to prove her talent in the real life. She sets up an accident and easily makes her victim, an amorous young man, namely Quang Hy believed in her poor situation. Diamond cut diamond, she never learns that he is a real crook and pretty skilled in seducing women.
      Soon after Ngo Dong confesses to having set him up in the purpose to show her play-acting ability, Quang Hy quickly grasps the chance. He pretends to be a film director who is developing the first project. Without a doubt, Ngo Dong feels naively at the young director’s commendation. To help her pursuing the dream, Quang Hy promises to spend his time with her in training.
      As Ngo Dong always shows her enthusiasm to learn everything, she has no reason to refuse the Director’s instruction even in such sensitive scenes with none but Quang Hy as her partner...In the half laugh and half crying circumstances, they play kissing and caring each other as the real lovers in the film.
      For reasons, Quang Hy little by little feels his great admiration for the young girl’s spirit. He can’t hold his trickery longer...
      Ngo Dong falls in her emptiness after all. She has no choice but returns to her normal work in the restaurant while Quang Hy truly feels regret for having cheated the one he loves...
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Sep 01, 2008