By Ronnie NANOS


Horror - Completed 2022

Death Club After five friends break into a shut down, abandoned dance club to party and enjoy some vandalism they discover unhappy spirits remain who want to punish them for their sins. The abandoned building used to be a popular dance club nicknamed "Death Club" because of several overdoses, a hand

    • Year of production
    • 2022
    • Genres
    • Horror
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0 - 0.3 M$
    • Duration
    • 72 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Ronnie NANOS
    • Writer(s)
    • Jason WHITE
    • Producer(s)
    • Neel Esh PATEL (PATEL FILMS [US])
    • Synopsis
    • Death Club After five friends break into a shut down, abandoned dance club to party and enjoy some vandalism they discover unhappy spirits remain who want to punish them for their sins. The abandoned building used to be a popular dance club nicknamed "Death Club" because of several overdoses, a handful of heart attacks and at least two murders that took place at the club before a tragic fire shut it down once and for all. There are also rumors that the building is now haunted which attracts people to break in from time to time. The five friends who break in on this particular night find out pretty quick that the rumors about "Death Club" being haunted are definitely true. Strange visions, shadow figures and electronic disturbances manifest shortly after the group arrives that they initially brush off as their eyes playing tricks on them due to the various substances they've smoked and the alcohol they drank. The five friends also find out through the course of the evening that the spirits left behind aren't too fond of things the young men and women have done in their past. The unhappy spirits show their disappointment by tormenting each of the friends with some personalized supernatural punishments while the remaining friends can only stand around and watch, unable to help those being tortured. Now they know for sure that the things they're experiencing can't be blamed on a few too many beers. Just when it appears "Death Club" has finished with its horrifying lessons and closed for the night, a sixth friend shows up to drink and party. Not only does this friend have some scary skeletons in his closet, he may be the worst offender of them all. It suddenly feels like "Death Club" never shut down and that it's "last call" for terror. Drink Dance & Die !!