By Lancelot VON NASO


Drama - Completed 2009

A 24 hours ceasefire. The situation in Falluja is devastating- no food, no medications, no help. A group of five people sets out with the plan to help- they end up fighting for the lives of the helpless and wounded and eventually - their own.

    • Year of production
    • 2009
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • GERMAN
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 95 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Lancelot VON NASO
    • Synopsis
    • Iraq in the year 2004: The war has officially ended, but everyday life has been devastated. The city of Fallujah has become a stronghold of Iraqi resistance to the American presence. As a result, it has been besieged – food supplies are dwindling, and the only hospital no longer has even basic supplies with which to treat the injured.

      In an attempt to relieve the deadly tension, American and Iraqi forces agree a 24-hour ceasefire. Young German journalist Oliver (30) sees this as an opportunity to get a good story at last: He is fed up with delivering the same old reports, and looking for ways to get under the skin of the real situation. He wants to join a first aid convoy to the hospital in Fallujah. However, they need to be back in Baghdad the next day since the ceasefire will last for only 24 hours before the violence erupts again. Time is short. Oliver’s experienced cameraman Ralf (48) doesn’t think much of this plan. He thinks the whole thing is just one ridiculous ego trip, and would rather spend the day at the hotel bar. How is Fallujah so different from Baghdad anyway? Oliver, however, insists on his plan. He’s the boss and can decide after all.

      Kim is the head of Medica mundi, an international relief organisation. She has already seen the misery in Fallujah with her own eyes. Alain Laroche (63) is the other travelling partner. He is one of the few remaining medical doctors in the combat zone and he urgently needs to get back to Fallujah during the ceasefire. The years of working under terrible conditions in the country have left him with a sharp insight into the troubles, but seem to have broken his will. Husam, her local chauffeur, has his own vested interests in driving to Fallujah that he keeps to himself for now. Together, the five of them leave the city of Baghdad. Crossing harsh war-torn territory with the threat of attacks ever present and caught between frontlines and their different ideals. These very different people pushing themselves to their limit have to work together to have any chance of succeeding. Their initiative is to help but suddenly they find themselves fighting for their lives.