By Ayman JAMAL, Khurram ALAVI


Animation - Completed 2015

1400 years ago, a boy with a dream of becoming a warrior is abducted with his sister. Thrown in a world where greed & injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice & make a change. Inspired by true events, this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time & history.

& Awards

Animation Day in Cannes 2016
Animation that matters
Animaze Daze in Cannes 2016
    • Year of production
    • 2015
    • Genres
    • Animation, Action/Adventure, Family
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 25 - 50 M$
    • Duration
    • 105 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Ayman JAMAL, Khurram ALAVI
    • Writer(s)
    • Alex KRONEMER , Michael WOLFE, Khurram ALAVI, Yassin KAMEL
    • Producer(s)
    • Ayman JAMAL (Barajoun )
    • Synopsis
    • In a dreamlike vision, mysterious dark riders mounted on their demonic black horses bear down towards a village. Somewhere close by, little Bilal gallops on his hobbyhorse playing a masked warrior.
      He always wanted to be a hero!
      The horses draw closer now. Are they real? Or is it Bilal’s wild imagination?

      In this very moment, Bilal’s dream turns into a nightmare - as these dark riders kill Hamama his mother, and capture him along with his sister,Ghufaira.
      Captives Bilal & Ghufaira are sold as slaves to Umayya, the wealthiest merchant in all of Arabia.

      Bilal – will never forget that day and the nightmares will hunt him for years to come, but the echo of his mothers gentle voice, will remind him of one very important fact of his reality: In order to break free of the chains that bind him, he must be willing to choose his own fate.

      Some 1400 years ago, Hejaz was a prominent trade center where merchants from around the region would come to trade their goods and pay homage to their pagan idols. There was an idol for everything back then.

      Umayya and his fellow merchants carefully craft them and have them sold at the best shops in the market. The people worshiped them blindly and sought refuge in them for blessings and favors except for Bilal who has always been in doubt. He knew in the very depths of his heart that for dreams to come true, one must be brave enough to use his voice and choose his own path.

      The legend says that Bilal’s voice echoed across
      the valley of Hijaz all they way down to Axum Empire.