By Delphine ITAMBI


Drama - Completed 2018

Sometimes all we need is someone to believe in the words born from our endless insanity.
Ward Zee is inspired from a true life story that happened in the capital city of Yaounde. Although fictionalized, its stands out both in the style of story and the characterization.

    • Year of production
    • 2018
    • Genres
    • Drama, Female director, Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.3 - 0.6 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Delphine ITAMBI
    • Writer(s)
    • Delphine ITAMBI
    • Producer(s)
    • Delphine ITAMBI (2PG PICTURES)
    • Synopsis
    • Ward Zee is a dramatic film that follows the heartbreaking story of a young woman named Tanya, played by a talented actress, who wakes up in the Ward Zee of a given hospital after giving birth to a son. However, she soon discovers that her baby has disappeared without a trace. Determined to find her son, Tanya embarks on a difficult and dangerous quest to discover the truth about what really happened in the Ward Zee.

      The film explores themes of loss, grief and the search for truth, while immersing the viewer in the dark and disturbing world of the hospital and the Ward Zee. As the story unfolds, Tanya must face her own inner demons and deepest fears as she delves into the dark depths of the hospital.

      The film's direction is exceptional, with well thought out cinematic shots that create a dark and ominous atmosphere. The scenes are filled with a palpable tension that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. The soundtrack is also well thought out, with music that enhances the atmosphere of the film and adds an extra dimension to the story.

      The performances of the actors are also remarkable, especially that of the lead actress, who delivers a convincing and moving performance. The other actors also make important contributions to the film, creating believable and nuanced characters that enrich the story.

      In conclusion, Ward Zee is a compelling and moving drama that explores universal themes of loss and grief. The direction is exceptional and the performances of the actors are outstanding. The film is a must-see for fans of psychological dramas and films that immerse the viewer in a dark and disturbing atmosphere.