Black comedy - Development 2020

The twilight world is next door

    • Year of production
    • 2020
    • Genres
    • Black comedy, Fantasy, Thriller
    • Countries
    • Writer(s)
    • Michael PAKLEPPA
    • Synopsis
    • A young couple accepts the invitation to spend their wedding on a castle of a distant family member, the charming rich uncle Count Ferdinand. During their honeymoon at his palace poor part-time jobber Eric and his new wife Maya, a Gothic fan and biochemist, realize that Eric is a descendant of a vampire clan that rules major parts of the world. But it is an unexpectedly friendly, modern and helpful assembly of lovable eccentrics, who make it easy for Eric and Maya to change their view about vampires. Nevertheless, Eric must face the fact that he may turn himself into a vampire one day. Will he be able to find a cure anywhere in the world, anything that stops his transformation? With the help of Nocturna, a transvestite vampire cousin of Eric, they embark on an adventurous journey to find an answer. But the closer they come to the secret, the deeper they get entangled in a global battle between two powerful vampire clans that are fighting for global dominance. Unfortunately, their journey gets interrupted from time to time by the manic vampire hunter Freddie Van Helsing, a psychopathic killer, who is fortunately thick as a brick.
      Will they ever find the cure - and will they still be the same by that time? The daily life between the "normal" world and the twilight world is beginning to change their perception...