PONY CANYON INC - as SALES All rights, World

Documentary - Completed 2019

A Documentary Film on Japanese Chocolatier, Hironobu Tsujiguchi - story behind a genius that re-invented chocolate,

A documentary on chocolate-making created in Japan, revealing everything from the search for new chocolate ingredients to the finished product!

    • Year of production
    • 2019
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • JAPAN
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 80 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Takashi WATANABE
    • Writer(s)
    • Takashi WATANABE
    • Producer(s)
    • Yoshio MARUYAMA (TV Asashi), Masahiro NAKAMURA (Super Sweets Inc.), Itaru ISHII (Executive Producer)
    • Synopsis
    • "Salon du Chocolat" is the world's biggest chocolate fair, held every year in Paris.
      For five years in a row, Tsujiguchi has received the highest rating in the prestigious chocolate awards giveen out at the event.
      However, he is still not satisfied with himself and has set out to create a new type of chocolate for the 2018 awards.
      Tsujiguchi has always been interested in pursuing "fermentation & the mariage of fermented ingredients" and on this occasion he is trying to create the world's best-tasting chocolate by combining "Japanese fermented foods" and "chocolate made from fermented cacao beans".

      First Tsujiguchi visited Ecuador, which lies just below the equator.
      There he found some highly fragrant cacao beans growing in an environment rich in biodiversity. Then, he traveled throughout Japan looking for ingredients, where he rediscovered foods painstakingly created by skilled craftsmen - such as "miso" that is fermented for ten years or more and salt made using techniques that date back over 500 years.

      This film was shot by a high-speed camera and drone camera, and was edited like a work of art. Enjoy Tsujiguchi's journey as he takes a fresh look at food in his travels to areas of outstanding natural beauty in Ecuador and his native home town on the Noto Peninsula.

      Discover the true nature of Tsujiguchi - the man whose extraordinary passion has led him to develop 13 brands based on different concepts, including the patisserie "Mont St. Clair" (in Tokyo's Jiyugaoka).

      This film is just the thing for sweet-lovers across the world!