By Candy CAIN

GEMELLI FILMS - as DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World / PROD

Drama - Completed 2020

A handsome writer goes to a horse ranch in upstate New York to get over writer's block and ends up with a lot more than just inspiration for his new book.

    • Year of production
    • 2020
    • Genres
    • Drama, Romance
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 89 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Candy CAIN
    • Writer(s)
    • Candy CAIN
    • Producer(s)
    • Amy MINTER, Douglas C. DIANA
    • Synopsis
    • Hope and Joy McGregor run the Two Sisters Ranch and Inn with their father, Frank. After their mother and aunt died in a tragic accident, Hope hasn't left the safety of the ranch, throwing herself into her work taking care of the horses and guests. Her only real friend outside of her father and sister is stable hand Gabe Corsetti, who tries to hide his true feelings about Hope. After all, they grew up together and Gabe is afraid that he is stuck in the "friend zone."

      When handsome adventure writer Ethan Dulane hits a writer’s block, his editor Amanda sends him to Two Sisters Ranch for some inspiration. Little does he know that he's going to find a little more than inspiration once he meets free-spirited Joy.

      Ethan has no experience with horses, so Hope decides to take him under her wing and teach him a thing or two so he can ride with her sister. When Ethan falls and takes Hope down with him, Gabe misreads the situation and thinks that Hope has fallen for the handsome stranger— literally and figuratively. Hope and Gabe work through their issues and find the “happily ever after” that they deserve.

      "Joy and Hope" is a story about overcoming obstacles such as fear and heartbreak, and embrace life. This heartwarming holiday tale explores a variety of relationships: family, love, friends and even the relationship people have with animals.