


Crime - Post-Production 2020

Yudai Uenishi, the founder of the theater company, 10ants depicts horrors of darkness that predominate in modern society and the power of human emotion as well as the beauty of human life, with a touch of cynical laughter setting the story in a day laborer town.

    • Year of production
    • 2020
    • Genres
    • Crime, Drama, Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • JAPAN
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 110 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Yudai UENISHI
    • Producer(s)
    • Yudai UENISHI
    • Synopsis
    • Goro Hashi, a day laborer receiving welfare in Nishinari, Osaka, is a former agent of the government intelligence agency-Humint, but when his team fails to perform a mission, he gets injured and loses his memory. Since Goro lost his memory, his team member lay the responsibility on him and Goro ends up serving time for murder.
      He then spent five years in prison, losing both his family and his memory, but was pardoned and released from prison, and before he knew it, he was living in Nishinari, a day laborer town.
      One day, Goro got into some trouble and attacked by gangs and he suffered a serious head injury. After having operation, he regains his part of memory and meets his wife, but learns that his daughter has a serious disease and there is no other way to save her than a heart transplant that needs to be performed overseas which will cost him 400 million yen.
      The fact that her father, Goro was a murderer was an obstacle to receiving medical aid. Goro’s ex-wife gave up her job as a college professor to work as a prostitute to pay for her daughter's life extension. Seiya Hyuga, a former colleague of Goro from a humint, appears before Goro and offers him a job under subcontract for Humint, hiding the fact that he is the one who put Goro on the hook for the murder.
      The job given to Goro was a troublesome task to kill someone. He takes the job for his daughter and begins to walk that dark path again. Goro's daily routine starts for earning 400 million yen.