By Yosuke FUJITA

THIRD WINDOW FILMS - as SALES All rights, World / DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, UNITED KINGDOM / PROD / FIN

Comedy - Completed 2013

'Fine Totally Fine' director Yosuke Fujita's heartwarming comedy puts famous Japanese comedianne Miyuki Oshima of Morisanchu valiantly in the role of a middle-aged male worker 'Fuku-chan' whose long-standing fear of women leaves him in a complex situation when a women from his past returns...

& Awards

Fantasia IFF 2014
Official Selection
    • Year of production
    • 2013
    • Genres
    • Comedy
    • Countries
    • JAPAN
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.6 - 1 M$
    • Duration
    • 110 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Yosuke FUJITA
    • Writer(s)
    • Yosuke FUJITA
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/1DAC-94EE-EEA1-FF3B-2DAA-H
    • Producer(s)
    • Adam TOREL (Third Window Films), James LIU (Joint Entertainment), Sabrina BARACETTI (TUCKER FILMS)
    • Synopsis
    • 32-year-old Tatsuo Fukuda, nickname “Fuku-chan” (Miyuki Oshima), is a painter who lives in a run-down apartment complex called Fukufuku Flats. He has been a resident ever since he moved to Tokyo after graduating from junior high school in rural Tochigi Prefecture, and has held the same job the whole time. He spends his days working up a sweat painting buildings, his nights mediating disputes between the other denizens of Fukufuku Flats, and his days off flying handmade kites down by the riverside.
      Fuku-chan is a popular guy who treats everyone equally and with kindness, but romance is his Achilles heel, which causes him to totally mess up a date arranged by his workmate Shimacchi (Yoshiyoshi Arakawa).
      One day, an unfamiliar woman turns up at Fukufuku Flats. When she tells Fuku-chan her name, he is astonished. It is Chiho, his first love from his junior high school days who he has not seen for around 20 years, and she has come to apologize for something that happened in their past. As Fuku-chan allows himself to get caught up in Chiho's quest to become a photographer, he begins to fall in love all over again with this woman who was responsible for the traumatizing incident that led to his fear of women...
    • Partners & financing
    • Third Window Films - UK
      Tucker Film - Italy
      Joint Entertainment - Taiwan
      Rapid Eye Movies - Germany
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Oct 01, 2013