By Tom & Theo TENNANT


Documentary - Completed 2023

Fairbourne's residents have been told that by 2054 their village will be the first UK community to be "decommissioned" as a result of the climate crisis. As scientists test coastal defences in a lab, villagers on the frontline of humanity's greatest struggle confront and uncertain future.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 30 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Tom & Theo TENNANT
    • Producer(s)
    • Alice HUGHES (Beehive Films)
    • Synopsis
    • Built barely above sea level and with ageing flood defences the local government won't maintain beyond 2054, Fairbourne has been earmarked for ‘decommissioning’ due to rising tides.

      While scientists test miniature coastal defences, Frontier Town follows three Fairbourne residents. Ali, 15, has big dreams and wants the world to see the community she loves. Glyn, 52, has found peace here, living by the mantra he named his rock band after, ‘Shine On.’ Angie, 78, retired here to reconnect with nature, but when a brain condition stops herfrom swimming every day, she’s forced to consider what really matters.

      Threatened with losing everything, residents have been labelled the UK’s first climate refugees. Here on the frontline of this global crisis, trapped between policy and nature,Fairbourne exists in a state of perpetual uncertainty. It’s a future that awaits us all, the people of Fairbourne are just the first to be told.