Crime - Pre-Production 2025

The Captain of the worst amateur football team in Brasilia needs to save the field where they train, by making the team win the Neighbourhood Championship and for that anything goes, even sabotaging the favorite team with a robbery. But his real challenge is getting along with the new generation.

    • Year of production
    • 2025
    • Genres
    • Crime, Comedy
    • Countries
    • BRAZIL
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Writer(s)
    • Elias GUERRA
    • Producer(s)
    • Akira MARTINS (Rodô Audiovisual)
    • Synopsis
    • A comedy, 90 minutes duration and no extra time, which tells the story of the captain of the worst amateur football team in the Federal District, uniting the team to try to save the field where they train and is at risk of becoming the parking lot of a large new Steakhouse in the neighbourhood. For that, he has two plans: to win the Neighbourhood Championship, which they have never even qualified for, or to use the knowledge of each one of the team members to rob the steakhouse. The first seems impossible, the second seems perfect.
      While planning the ideal team and the right tactics for the robbery, he has to deal with his worst nightmare: accepting the new generation of modern football players, full of frills and inflated egos. The relationship with his daughter itself becomes a problem, since the girl is good at playing, but her father doesn't let her play because it's a “men's sport”.
      In a story with premium pagode music, second-rate meat, sweaty shirts and balls on the post, the old-fashioned captain will learn that, even if he wins a championship or plans the perfect robbery, if he doesn't know how to dialogue with the new generation, his traditional team will be lost.
    • Partners & financing
    • 300,000 € has already been raised through a Brazilian local production supporting fund.