By Mike AHERN (D.A.D.D.Y.), Enda LOUGHMAN (D.A.D.D.Y.)


Comedy - Completed 2017

A driving instructor must use her supernatural gifts to save a lonely man's daughter from an aging rockstar looking to use her for satanic sacrifice.

    • Year of production
    • 2017
    • Genres
    • Comedy
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 94 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Mike AHERN (D.A.D.D.Y.), Enda LOUGHMAN (D.A.D.D.Y.)
    • Producer(s)
    • Katie HOLLY (Bl!nder Films), Ailish BRACKEN (Bl!nder Films)
    • Synopsis
    • Rose is a sweet, lonely driving instructor with supernatural abilities called “The Talents” that allow her to communicate with spirits (inherited from her father Vincent, who made a living peddling videos about the supernatural.) Rose has a love/hate relationship with her gifts, (blaming herself for Vincent’s death during spell gone wrong), and ignores the community’s requests to investigate ghouls in the press or headless horsemen scaring cows. So when widower Martin, haunted by his nagging ex-wife Bonnie, contacts her for help at the behest of his teen daughter Sarah, Rose says she’s out of that line of work. But she can’t shake Martin from her mind, and her sister Sailor encourages her to at least consider the job.

      Meanwhile, aging rockstar Christian Winter has a sinister plan for success – virgin sacrifice. He casts a spell on Sarah leaving her levitating and catatonic. Martin begs Rose’s help, and she agrees.

      From Vincent’s notes, Rose learns that to save her they must exorcise ghosts for a counter-spell…and fast. They’ve only two days before Sarah’s dragged into a fiery pit of hell.

      Martin and Rose set about the exorcisms, while Sailor minds Sarah. Despite the weird situations - haunted wheelie bins, rude oil painting, possessed toilet roll - they work well together. And there’s budding attraction between them - though neither act on it.

      But when Christian learns of their plan, he blocks Rose's talents, in doing so trapping Bonnie’s ghost inside Martin's body. Martin and Bonnie fight for control, and in the chaos Christian summons Sarah to his castle….

      Rose, Martin (still struggling with Bonnie) and Sailor
      hightail it after Sarah, arriving to discover Christian has managed to open a gateway to hell.

      To save Sarah - and the world – they’ll have to close the portal in the most awkward way possible…