BETA CINEMA - as SALES All rights, World

Family - Completed 2010

Groovy entertainment for kids about an unconventional street-soccer team that teaches its competitors the meaning of fear. Based on the eponymous bestselling books.

    • Year of production
    • 2010
    • Genres
    • Family
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • GERMAN
    • Duration
    • 111 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Granz HENMAN
    • Writer(s)
    • Christoph SILBER, Granz HENMAN
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/57DD-B100-6317-F897-E3A5-1
    • Producer(s)
    • Jürgen SCHUSTER, Markus BRUNNEMANN, Thomas Peter FRIEDL
    • Synopsis
    • Moritz loves football and his football club more than anything else in the world. Together with his father, the club's trainer, he spends as much of his free time as possible on the football field. After his parents split up, Moritz and his mom have to move away and in with his bad-tempered grandfather. To make things even worse, the only football club in the new town arrogantly refuses to let Moritz join them. But a true kicker never gives up.
      At his new school, Moritz meets Alex and his cool rooftop gang, who race through the streets and play street soccer using everything around them as an obstacle course. Among them are Niko, the two brothers Mehmet and Enes, and Catrina, who may be a girl but makes every penalty shot. Moritz convinces the gang to form a new football team: The Devil's Kickers.
      With their avant-garde style, they create a buzz in the local football scene. Even Moritz's grandfather is impressed. A passionate footballer in his younger years, he takes it upon himself to become their trainer.
      Just before their big game is to begin, where they will face their fiercest rival, The Devil's Kicker's nerves are on edge. But together they can make it, anywhere, anytime…