By James SMITH


Horror - Post-Production 2024

When an enigmatic young woman arrives in a remote English village, the locals are intrigued and wary, their suspicions growing as she begins delving into the mystery behind a two year old murder…

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Horror, Thriller
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.6 - 1 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • James SMITH
    • Writer(s)
    • Caroline SPENCE
    • Producer(s)
    • Caroline SPENCE (Raya Films)
    • Synopsis
    • DAGGERS INN is an atmospheric murder mystery.

      When Donna Revan arrives in the medieval village of Haxanbury, little do the locals realize that she is visiting with an ulterior motive.

      Buried in the depths of the English countryside, Haxanbury feels separated from the modern world… a Brigadoon residing in the past, steeped in pagan history, beliefs and practices. Despite being a stranger, Donna is more at home in the village than the residents first presume. Her aim? To uncover the truth about her sister’s horrific death two years previous.

      The body of Sybil Revan was discovered floating in a lake, bound by her hands and feet to a chair. Despite being ruled a homicide, the case eventually went cold.

      Determined to discover why her sister was murdered and who was responsible, Donna sets out to infiltrate the dark workings of people who hide behind a façade of normalcy. But these are not ordinary people, and this is no ordinary village.

      One man in particular sets Donna’s senses on high alert. Toby Vass is a corrupt financier with a powerful law firm in the village, a self-styled cad and Casanova who surrounds himself with a ‘crew’ of lackeys desperate to please and do his bidding.

      Intrigued by this new and attractive woman in town, Toby sends his men to find out who she is and what she is doing in Haxanbury, but Donna is doing her own investigation and instinctively knows these men are the key to her sister’s murder. Unfazed by Toby’s status, Donna sees his misogyny and bravado as a weakness waiting to be exploited and employs her unique skills to manipulate, undermine and reveal his chilling exploits… and to exact her revenge…

      DAGGERS INN melds the Gothic atmosphere of The Omen, the supernatural mystery of What Lies Beneath, the murder and madness of The Cat And The Canary, and characterful humor of Fargo.