By Matthew CANNON


Science-fiction - Completed 2022

When a talented artists destiny to change the
world is destroyed, people from the future come
back to restore his true path. But their mission
won’t be simple: Planet X, a very powerful
organisation in the future will do everything in
their power to prevent them

    • Year of production
    • 2022
    • Genres
    • Science-fiction
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 130 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Matthew CANNON
    • Writer(s)
    • Matthew CANNON
    • Producer(s)
    • Synopsis
    • As Strange As Angels is a time-twisting film of good against evil. It tells a
      story of humanity and the grounding, undeniable power of human will.
      Through the juxtaposition of positive and negative forces, the consequences
      of disregard to our individual purposes, parallels the liberation that comes
      with empathy and connection. By transcending time and reality, the dual
      narrative explores the debate of nature vs nurture, and their impact on
      our spiritual purpose.
      The film rejects conventions of mainstream sci-fi that conforms to an action
      orientated spectacle, and instead focuses on the why rather than the what,
      allowing for a thoughtful production. The time travel element is introduced
      slowly throughout the film to enable the focus to be placed on character
      development, and the intricacies of their relationships.
      Tee Hudson, the centre of both narratives, is a testament to the parts of life
      that objectively we don’t need to survive, such as art, love, compassion, and
      yet in reality, are the parts of life that we strive to have the most. We are
      introduced to Tee as the perfect man: both phenomenally successful and
      humble, a charitable man with a happy wife and a happy life. A man who’s
      artistic skill allowed him an audience that would fall at his feet, and one
      who used his profits to bring good globally.

      But, during the film we are returned to the opening scene of his childhood,
      and a new reality unfolds, one that had been altered from the previous.
      Within this new world, it becomes gradually apparent that Tee’s art and the
      value of it, challenged and provoked both the good and the bad in the future
      of his society.
      In this second world, a greed ridden corporation of the future ordered the killing
      of Tees mother during his childhood, redirecting his life into deprivation.
      They travel back in time to Tee and purposefully strips him as a child of all happiness
      and support. By the time he is an adult they send him a cyborg in place of his partner,
      to intentionally prevent him from ever finding happiness or success. Dragged down
      by the schemes of Planet X’ and cyborg who separated him from his mother,
      they then go on to separate him from his only child. Tee is driven to suicide, leaving
      a legacy of artwork to the hands of Planet X, while Tee passes, unaware of the
      wealth and possibilities his talent should have brought him.
      However, the vision of a young woman in the second world, compels courage in her
      boyfriend and herself, to discover how Planet X have used time travel. In doing
      so, they become aware of how they steal from the talents of the past, creating
      a totalitarian dystopia the couple know as reality, ultimately confirming the woman’s
      vision. With their sacrifice, they manage to restore Tee’s first reality and are on the path to destroying Planet X's distorted future.